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Smallfolk Farm Becomes A Reality

After borrowing and renting land for a number of years, Dave and Jackie finally found their forever home and site for Smallfolk farm in the summer of 2019. An old homestead just north of Mt Vernon, the site boasted ample pasture for chickens, four hundred blueberry bushes, an old timber-framed barn, and an even older farm house built by the German settler Augustus Lust in 1880. The rolling, oak crested rock outcroppings nestle the farm in a secluded valley. Expanding the existing beds for summer gardens, reclaiming the wild pasture, and adding a few more improvements every year, Kurosh, Jackie and David are happy with their forever homestead farm.

We hope someday you can come out and visit us!

Over the years…

  • 2019: Purchased the property, cleared the pasture for chickens.

  • 2020: Began U-Pick, acquired egg laying birds & first daughter was born.

  • 2021: Renovated the farm house, cleared extensive brush, expanded planting beds.

  • 2022: Added two indoor meat bird brooder coops, expanded meat bird flock size.

  • 2023: Expanded the well, expanded meat bird brooder coops, expanded met bird flock size, acquired two additional livestock guardian dogs (Inanna and Enlil, Great Pyrenees, both the same age as daughter #2)